Endangered Animals

Special Animal: Pangolin

Important Facts about Pangolins


These scaly creatures are not very popular to the world but they are getting a name during this virus outbreak called COVID-19, coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2. Pangolins are being blamed for spreading coronavirus. On top of being the most trafficked animal, these animals are getting more endangered because of more poaching. The outlook for this animal looked bad already, but now it looks even worse. World Pangolin's day is always the third Saturday of February. This year (2021) it's the 20th of February. It's a highly underappreciated holiday, so please spread the word about these gorgeous animals.

Why the scales?

Scales protect a pangolin from predators like lions or tigers. Their scales are flexible so when this creature senses danger, it curls up into a ball and waits for the danger to pass - just like a turtle! The scales are made of keratin which is the same material as your fingernails and hair. Pangolins are being poached because of their meat and scales. Their scales are used for traditional Chinese medicine which are thought to have healing powers, but that has not yet been proved.

Habitat and Diet

A pangolin's diet is simple: insects. They eat insects like ants or termites and sometimes the larvae of those, but they usually go for the bigger meal!

What Would Happen IF Pangolins Went Extinct?

We need pangolins to survive in the wild because they provide pest control to the planet. Aardvarks, pangolins, and anteaters all take control of the insects that lurk around places where humans don't go like the African Savannah. Pangolins especially take care of Asian forests in the high areas of trees.

Thousands of these harmless animals are captured and used for traditional African and Chinese medicines that are said to heal, but that has not yet been proved.